A terminal server session is when an application is using a terminal server. If more than one application is using the terminal server at the same time as another application is then it is referred to as terminal server session sharing. You can find this information and answers to other questions you have at any IT website. There are websites and blogs that give in depth information on any type of information such as remote desktop sessions, software, servers or programs. You can post any question you have and it will be answered by an IT professional.
IT professionals are experienced in a wide variety of computer related issues, equipment and programming. Some IT’s specialize in certain fields of their industry for example programming. They can program any website or operating system with ease. Other IT’s specialize in servers and are experienced in multiple sessions of terminals as well as the inner workings of servers. One of the more common field for IT’s is troubleshooting various computer and software issues.
An RDP log or remote desktop log is a log that contains the activity of an RDP session. A terminal server log is a log of the activity of a session of an application while using a terminal server. If you are looking for this or other information, visit RDPSoft Company. Once there you can find out additional information on RDP sessions and terminal server session plus a lot more. Visit them today to find the information you need. You can also find information by searching online.