There are a number of circuit breaker brands available, including Westinghouse and Siemens. Federal Pacific, or FPE circuit breakers, is another popular brand. Online suppliers often carry a range of new and used FPE circuit breakers. The retails price for these is usually between 700 and 3,000 dollars. The FPE circuit breakers usually have 3 poles and weigh an average of 2.5 pounds. All FPE products must pass a meticulous inspection and are subject to a 1-year warranty. On average, they can generate up to 600 volts.
GE is another popular brand of circuit breaker. GE breakers are usually much more affordable than FPE breakers, with prices beginning around $150. Their packaged weight is usually much heavier, sometimes up to 20 pounds. They contain 2 poles and can generate up to 600 volts.
Square D breakers offer quality and reliability for a slightly higher average price. The Square D MA36800, for example, retails at just over $1,500 dollars, has 3 poles, produces up to 600 volts, and operates at 800 amps. Like most brands of circuit breakers, Square D breakers run the gamut in terms of price; the more expensive ones tend to produce more voltage. Also, like GE and FPE, the more expensive breakers tend to weigh more; in the case of the MA36800, the packaged weight is a considerable 36 pounds, whereas some of the company’s lower-end merchandise might weight a quarter of that. Of course, it ultimately depends on your breaker needs, though no matter what they are, you’re likely to find what you need through one of these three brands